
Bivouac Recording

Bivouac Recording is a sound label based in Hong Kong.

Bivouac Recording是一个录音品牌且提供录音服务的公司,致力于推进独立现场录音项目。

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60 Minute Cities: Los Angeles | 60分钟,我的城市- 洛杉矶

US $5 | RMB 30元 To listen and purchase please click below/ 聆听购买 Soundcloud | 虾米 [Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions] Look | 凝视 Issuu | 微博 Bivouac Recording · 60 Minute Cities- Los Angeles 这些录音记录了洛杉矶河蜿蜒穿过洛杉矶弗拉格敦区域的河道右岸部分/不同于其广为人知,充满粗犷之美的混凝土河道,洛杉矶河在这里由多个软河床河段组成,从中涌出...

Bivouac Recording Projects

> RePlacement Soundscapes / 源声谱 >> 'Growing Up With' Series >>> Social Tapes / 社区声音备忘录 >>>> 60 Minute Cities / 60分钟,我的城市 >>>>> Bivouac. Live. >>>>>> Flow | Flux / 流 | 变 >>>>>> Flow | Flux / 流 | 变 崇明岛是一个美丽的岛屿,距离上海市中心约1小时路程。随着一个新的桥梁和隧道的完成,上海市中心的人们如今更加方便就能来到崇明,来发现曾经遥远的美丽。 "变化"是岛的本质。作为冲积层,它随着...

RePlacement Soundscapes: Shanghai

Listen: Soundcloud Replacement Soundscapes change your immediate sonic environment with natural sounds to enhance the mood and well-being of your space. Shuffle this collection and let it continuously play. Listen at home, commute, and work. These field recordings are from the Fengxian District...

60 Minute Cities: Kunming | 60分钟,我的城市- 昆明

US $5 | RMB 30元 To listen and purchase please click below/ 聆听购买 Soundcloud | 虾米 [Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions] Look | 凝视 Issuu | 微博 Bivouac Recording · 60 Minute Cities- Kunming 这些录音主要集中在昆明的三月四月,随处可以听见鸟叫声,偶尔有一些小雨 / 我移居到这座位于中国西南的被称为春城的城市近20年,我喜欢这里的天气和人文 / 和在...

60 Minute Cities: Chongqing | 60分钟,我的城市- 重庆

US $5 | RMB 30元 To listen and purchase please click below/ 聆听购买 Soundcloud | 虾米 [Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions] Look | 凝视 Sway | 微博 Bivouac Recording · 60 Minute Cities- Chongqing 这些录音是Asa Roast在重庆市生活和开展研究的两年时间内完成的/录音记录了一项正在制定中的研究计划,其范围从熙熙攘攘的重庆市中心一直到界限模糊的城市边...

Sonosax Mini R82 Review

Sonosax Mini R82 Product page Intro When I was in the market for a new recorder, the Sonosax Mini R82 was the winner. Ever since I saw the R82, I knew I wanted to have it. It was an odd looking piece and like nothing out there which was why I initially hesitated to go down that route. This an...